Mmmm… Burritos

When you live in Boston, there are really only two choices for a good burrito: Boca Grande or Anna’s Tacqueria. Obviously this is just my opinion, though I’m willing to bet many Bostonians would agree.

It’s a battle of sorts… to decide which locations has the BEST burritos, though Anna’s usually wins hands down in any official contest (such as both Boston Magazine’s and the Improper Bostonian’s yearly “Best of Boston” lists). In fact, an entire burrito blog has been created by a local guy… tasting all the possibilities here and across the nation. His favorite is Anna’s as well.

The funny thing is that both of these places make their burritos almost exactly the same way. In fact, rumor has it, they are both owned by one family that does not get along. Personally, I love them equally. In fact, I love them so much, that Dan and I have been driving to Coolidge Corner in Brookline every Friday night (excluding date nights) to get takeout.

Funny enough, this past Friday night WAS date night… and where did we go? Boca Grande! I was just too tired and had just had a wisdom tooth pulled, so I wanted to eat something quick, cheap, easy and delicious. Boca was the obvious answer. I get the same thing every time… Bean and Cheese Burrito Grande, add guacamole and sour cream, hold the hot sauce ($5.75). I cannot describe how much I love this burrito other than to say… I generally eat the entire thing, even though half would be enough. Afterwards, I am SO full that I could vomit — though I never do. That would be a waste of good burrito. We even weighed these burritos one night and they came in at almost 2 pounds…that’s a LOT of burrito!

If you haven’t eaten at either of these places yet, it’s well worth the trip. The links posted should provide the numerous locations of each. You will also find plenty of other tasty tidbits on the menu for both you and your little ones.

Recently, while driving past the Dedham Mall (literally 2 miles down the street from here), I noticed they are opening a new Mexican place called the Chipotle Mexican Grill. I’ve heard rumors that this place may actually be decent… it’s mentioned on several burrito lover’s blogs. We’ll see…

Until then, I’ll keep hoofing it out to Brookline to get my burrito fix. Go ahead… try them… you’ll be putting the extra miles on your car to pick up take out regularly too!

Boca Grande Taqueria on Urbanspoon

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