Weight a minute…

I am perpetually trying to find a diet that I can stomach (pun intended) and that I can actually stick to. I only need to lose about 10 pounds, but I have ZERO will power. I love to eat and I hate restricting myself. Never the less, I keep trying and failing! 🙂

I have, however, found a diet website that I really like… www.sparkpeople.com. I have done the whole Weight Watchers online thing before and have actually had success. It’s about $15 a month to use their online tools, so… I’ve wasted lots of money subscribing to them in the past. When I found SparkPeople though, I was psyched… as they offer a very similar set of tools all for free!

In any case, I get periodic email newsletters from them and the one that landed in my inbox today piqued my interest. They listed the 10 Worst Foods for 2007. Worst being — offered by chain restaurants and containing the most awful ingredients and nutritional information for your health.

In no particular order:

  1. Carl’s Jr. Western Bacon Six Dollar Burger
  2. Pizza Hut Double Deep Pizza
  3. El Monterey XX Large Chimichanga
  4. Denny’s Meat Lover’s Scramble
  5. Hardee’s Country Breakfast Burrito
  6. KFC Chicken & Biscuit Bowl
  7. Starbucks Double Chocolate Chip Frappuccino Blended Crème
  8. Pizza Hut P’Zone
  9. Wendy’s Baconator
  10. Denny’s Extreme Grand Slam

BONUS BADDIE: The Subway Feast (so much for “healthy fast food”)

Check out the list yourself to see the horrific number of calories and fat these artery cloggers supply. The worst one of all contains 1280 calories and 71 grams of fat! Can you guess which one? I am happy to report I have never had any of these monstrosities… not even the Frappuccino from my beloved Starbucks.

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