No more meat for you!

I’ll play the role of the “Meat Nazi” today and tell everyone NO MORE MEAT FOR YOU!

Tomorrow, March 20th (the first day of Spring), is The Great American Meatout. According to their website:

The Great American Meatout is the world’s largest and oldest annual grassroots diet education campaign. Every spring, thousands of Meatout supporters educate their communities and ask their friends, families, and neighbors to pledge to “kick the meat habit (at least for a day) and explore a wholesome, nonviolent diet of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.”

Feeling up to it? It’s not as hard as you might think… I go meatless on most days. If you need some inspiration, I have several previous posts that talk about becoming a vegetarian and that provide vegetarian links. Still need help? Try one of these or search Vegetarian Times for some recipes.

Remember… things as yummy as lasagna and macaroni and cheese are vegetarian dishes… it’s not all about salad and tofu.

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