Starbucks.. between noon and one… be there…

Or at least that’s what Starbucks suggests in an email we received last Friday. The email states that they are “…doing something big at Starbucks. Venti big.” It also says “We can’t tell you what’s going to happen because that will ruin the surprise. Just come to any U.S. Starbucks on Tuesday, April 8 at noon EST to celebrate something big.”

So I went through the Dedham drive-thru today and noticed on the sign that they unveiled a new coffee today… called Pike’s Place Roast. However, when I asked the Barista at the drive-thru window what the “big event” at noon was… she had no idea what I was talking about.

So then I went to the Starbucks website and it’s talks about looking for a “sample van” at your area Starbucks… and notes that “events are subject to change”. So who knows… maybe you’ll get a free sample of the new roast, maybe you won’t. Can’t hurt to try, right?

UPDATE: Thanks to Penny from Boston Zest, here is the official SB Press Release.

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