Mother Earth that is. Today is Earth Day. What did you do?
I planted lots of perennials and did some composting. I also cleaned out my refrigerator… making sure to recycle everything I could.
Lastly, I pondered what else I could be doing to help the environment and our existence on this planet. I feel like we could be doing more (not only as a family, but as a species), so I am committing to making an even bigger effort than we are now.
I hope to join a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) or Coop this summer for our vegetables and if we are too late for that, then we are going to try to eat “local” for the summer… at least as much as humanly possible — including growing our own herbs, tomatoes and cucumbers.
I also vow that my next car with be more economical and fuel efficient than what I have now (a Honda Pilot).