This week’s box

Boston Organics was waiting for me on the porch yesterday when I got home. I think it’s time I invested in a cooler, as the produce was pretty warm inside and it’s only May.

This week’s box included:

  1. 3 Fuji Apples
  2. 1 Pink Lady Apple
  3. 1 Avocado
  4. 6 Bananas
  5. 1 bunch of Broccoli
  6. 1 Cucumber
  7. 1 Mango
  8. 3 Oranges
  9. 4 Asian Pears (my favorites!)
  10. 3 Green Pears
  11. 1 pint of Strawberries
  12. 1 head of Green Leaf Lettuce
  13. 1 Zucchini
  14. 1 bag of Spinach

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