Weight Watcher’s — Lose for Good Campaign

I just got back from my first Weight Watcher’s weigh-in in 3-weeks… prepared for the worst, I was quite happy to find out I was actually down 0.2 pounds — despite our 2-week vacation on Martha’s Vineyard. Feeling guilty that I hadn’t been in a while, I decided to stay for the meeting (which always feels like what I assume Al-anon meetings are like!).

I was quite psyched to hear about a special promotion/campaign that Weight Watcher’s is doing beginning on September 7th (Sunday) and lasting through October 18th.

The campaign is called Lose for “Good” — for every pound WW members lose between these dates, WW is going to donate the equivalent number of pounds in food (up to 1 Million dollars worth) to the food charities Share Our Strength and Action Against Hunger. Additionally, my local WW center — in Dedham — is collecting food donations for the Dedham Food Pantry. Other centers may be doing the same thing, so check-in with yours.

According to the Share Our Strength website:

Share Our Strength® is a national organization that works hard to make sure no kid in America grows up hungry.

We weave together a net of community groups, activists and food programs to catch children at risk of hunger and surround them with nutritious food where they live, learn and play.

We work with the culinary industry to create engaging, pioneering programs like Share Our Strength’s Taste of the Nation®, Share Our Strength’s Great American Bake Sale®, Share Our Strength’s A Tasteful Pursuit®, Share Our Strength’s Great American Dine Out™, and Share Our Strength’s Operation Frontline®.
Discover how you can get involved »

And from the Action Against Hunger website:

The mission of Action Against Hunger is to save lives by eliminating hunger through the prevention, detection, and treatment of malnutrition, especially during and after emergency situations of conflict, war and natural disaster. From crisis to sustainability, we tackle the underlying causes of malnutrition and its effects by using our expertise in nutrition, food security, water and sanitation, health and advocacy. By integrating our programs with local and national systems we further ensure that short-term interventions become long-term solutions. Click here to get involved…

So if you have been thinking about losing weight or are already a WW member, now is as good a time as ever to put forth the effort to lose weight not only for yourself — but for a very good cause. I am committing to cleaning out my pantry (which I promised to do in the past and never got around to it) and donating everything we don’t need to WW. I am also committing to put forth the effort to lose a minimum of 5 pounds between now and 10/18. Anyone else want to join me??

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