Chocolate Meme

I just got tagged by The Boston Foodie with a chocolate meme. Don’t know what a meme is? Click here to read one fellow blogger’s explanation.

This meme consists of the following questions (inspired by National Chocolate Week in the UK):

Dark, white or milk?
Absolutely milk chocolate. While I love dark chocolate with red wine, or as a satisfyer while dieting, I really love and crave milk chocolate. White chocolate is okay, but I don’t love it. In fact, as I child I downright disliked it. I’ve learned to tolerate it… and even enjoy it sometimes.

Favourite chocolate dish, sweet or savoury?
Sweet all the way. Hands down. Though, I do like a good Mole, I will take a chocolate dessert any day of the week.

A chocolate memory?
The first time I ever had molten chocolate cake — it was actually the Chocolate Soufflé at Olives in Charlestown… about 10 years ago. Not quite a cake, but my first experience with a soft chocolate center. It was love at first site. Their Vanilla Soufflé is amazing too. While I don’t really go to Olive’s anymore — specifically since Todd English’s head exploded, I still sometimes crave those desserts. I also vividly remember my first Legal Seafood’s Chocolate Pudding Cake

Favourite chocolate bar?
Not really a bar… but not really not a bar either:

If you could only have one specific chocolate for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Hmmm… this is the toughest question of all. I grew up in NJ and visited Hershey Park many times as a child, so I have a nostalgic link to Hershey Chocolate. Then, obviously, my favorite candy bar is a Cadbury product… so I cannot rule that out either. I also love Lindt truffles or a divine and rich Godiva or Ghirardelli bar; however, all things considered, I was introduced to and fell in love with a UK brand of chocolate a few years ago. Therefore, I have to go with Quality Street Chocolates — I love those damn things!

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