My “Bloggin by Mail” Package Arrived!!!


My Blogging by Mail package arrived this past Monday… all the way from New Zealand!

Fellow food blogger, Rosa, did a great job assemblinlg my yummy-looking care package. I am very excited… and want to thank Rosa for making my day!

Here is a list of the goodies I happily received:

  1. Roasted Onion and Pumpkin Dip Mix
  2. Traditional Mulled Wine Mulling Spices Mix
  3. Baileys Liqueur Fudge
  4. Ginger Delight Spoon Biscookie
  5. Cocktail Napkins
  6. Whittaker’s Peanut Slab Milk Chocolate Bar
  7. Cadbury Original Chocolate Covered Marshmallow Fish
  8. Dried Apple Slices Dipped in Cinnamon
  9. Cadbury Black Forest Milk Chocolate Bar
  10. Cadbury Buzz Chocolates

Needless to say, it’s a VERY good thing I’m not following a Weight Watcher’s diet right now! Thanks again Rosa!!! And now that my recipient has received her package, you can keep checking back here to see what she has to say about it!

UPDATE: My bloggin friend in Australia, Emzeegee and the Hungry Three posted about he package she recieved from me. Check it out!!!

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