NPR’s New “Public Radio Kitchen”

NPR has started a new blog… Public Radio Kitchen — and they are tapping into local food bloggers for content (me included!). My story on Phuket is up there right now… and they also have a blog roll that lists many local foodies — including several of my buddies!

Here is a list of FAQ’s from their new site:

What kind of content are you after?
Recipes, reviews, food tips and suggestions, think pieces about eating and the environment, you name it.

How do I submit my content?
Tweet: @wbur, @pubradiokitchen, e-mail:
We will publish content only with your permission and a small chunk of it at that (See
this page for examples of how you submissions will be displayed on the site).

What’s in it for me?
Participation in a dynamic, lively community passionate about public radio and all things edible (how about a food-based meet-up here at the station?). You also get publicity for your blog/site.

What if I decided I want my submission removed?
Contact us and we will remove it.

Will WBUR sell any ads on this site?
There are no current plans to do so, but that possibly may be explored in the future.

May I get included on your blog roll?
Yes, if you reciprocate.

So give them so love and visit their site… even Chowhound has caught wind of them.

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