Locavore… for your iPhone!

locavoreSo I received an email this morning from the BIL (Bro-in-Law)… pointing to this article about a new iPhone application called Locavore.

Essentially, this application provides you with information on where you can buy local, in-season products in your area. VERY cool!!!

The tool shows you the nearest Farmer’s Markets to your location, what produce is currently in season, what’s coming into season and you can also browse by foods and states to find out information on specific products and locations. For example, you can find out where Zucchini or Watermelons are currently in-season.

There are food-related links as well, pointing to recipes on Epicurious.com

By definition, a Locavore is someone who only eats foods that are grown locally… or within a certain mile radius from their house (generally between 100 and 150 miles). The word Locavore was actually the Oxford Dictionary’s “Word of the Year” for 2007.

There are sites dedicated to being a locavore… such as the Eat Local Challenge site, the 100 Mile Diet site, the NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) Eat Local site, SlowFood.com, SlowFoodNation.com and SlowFoodUSA.com.

My blogger friend, “the other Tammy” at Food on the Food does an Eat Local Challenge every year herself… focusing on local foods found within 150 miles of her home in Waltham. Her site is great for some hidden local gems.

And last, but certainly not least is Boston Locavores.  All of these sites are great and provide a wealth of information on how to eat local, how to find local markets and where to buy local… however, with this new iPhone application, for only $2.99 you can have all this data right at your fingertips no matter where you are. I haven’t purchased the application yet, but only because I am in desperate need of upgrading the software on my phone to the newest version (which is required for the app). As soon as I upgrade, I will be adding this cool little tool onto my phone.

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