Taramosalata Tapas

I’ve written about it before and I am certain that I will write about it again. What is IT? Taramosalata… my delicious, salty, creamy, fattening and rich spread of choice.My brand of choice is Krinos… which you can find at many grocery stores — including (in the Boston area) Whole Foods Market and Russo’s Market (for about $5.99).


I just LOVE this stuff and I am always looking for new things to do with it. I typically just eat it smeared on bread and I’m quite satisfied with that… however, this week — I was thinking how it would be good on little English tea sandwiches with cucumber. I didn’t have white bread, so improvised and made Greek Tapas…


Taramosalata Tapas

Carr’s Water Crackers
English Cucumber
Meyer Lemon
Fresh Dill

Onto each cracker, place one thin slice of cucumber topped with a hearty dollop of taramosalata, a sprig of fresh dill and sliver and Meyer Lemon rind.

DROOL. EAT. SIGH. Make another…



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