So many meals… So little time… What can I do???

I guess I need to just pick one and start some where…

SO… I’ve sort of been missing-in-action this week. I finished up my 3-month contract at Harvard Medical School on Friday and have been very busy cleaning, organizing and taking care of my new puppy — Ginger (YES… you heard me right… a PUPPY — but more on THAT later). I have a TON of posts to catch up on and emails to respond to, but realistically — won’t have much time until next week.

I’ve also been trying to detox my body and mind and want to share with you my meal plans and recipes. I am on day 4 today and will try to post days 1 through 3 later.

In the meantime, my all time favorite recipe. Simple, satisfying, delicious.

BFW’s Caprese Salad

Heirloom Tomatoes — best when fresh picked from your own or a local garden (It’s a little early for that, so these were from Trader Joe’s)
Fresh Mozzarella — also best when from some place local (for me, that’s Gigi’s Mozzarella House in Everett, MA)
Fresh Basil (from my own garden)
Balsamic Glaze or Vinegar
Fresh ground sea salt and pepper to taste

If using cherry tomaotes, like these — depending on the size, I generally cut them in half or quarters. I chop up equal portions and sizes of fresh mozzarella and carefully combine the two. I generally add 2 – 3 basil leaves (per serving) that I chiffonade and then fold into the mixture. A few healthy tablespoons of capers comes next (1 or more per serving if you like capers), followed by a generous drizzle of the olive oil, a dribble of balsamic vinegar — a bit more if it’s a glaze and then fresh ground salt and pepper to taste. Even though the capers are quite salty, I still like to add additional salt because I think it really brings out the flavor of the tomatoes — especially if they are off-season.

Eat with crusty bread… sopping up every last little bit of juice. A meal I could eat 3 times a day — every day… 


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