Mind and Body Detox — Week 2


Ummm…    NOT.

I didn’t do awful… I just didn’t really try to keep to a strict diet and detox.

I got to the gym (for yoga) on Monday and Friday. I worked out with my personal trainer on Tuesday. I made several juices and salads that were great. I will post separately about the most interesting items.

On the flip side… we had sushi take out, including tempura. I had many glasses of wine. I had Starbucks everyday except for one! And then there was the Sabra hummus… while albeit not an awful food choice… the health benefits get cancelled out when you eat half the container — which is 7 servings, at like 6 grams of fat per serving!!! I can’t help it… I’m addicted to it. Oh, and nachos and an ice cream soda Saturday night and homemade ice cream last night.

What can I say? I suck!

That said… let’s see what happens this week… I have high expectations (though my brother and his family are coming in for the long weekend starting on Thursday — so that will have a significant impact on our menu). I’m off to the trainer this morning… but at 9am, I’ve already purchased my Staurbucks for the day.

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