Hell’s Kitchen — Week’s 4 & 5 and other “stuff”

helloWell, as you may have noticed, I have pretty much been MIA. It’s been a rough and crazy few weeks. Without going into too many details, we had the death of a pet — which set me back considerably and then on the good news side, I got a new job! I started last week and have been flat out busy. I’m working from home for a great set of websites, but sometimes working at home is harder than going to office b/c you feel like you never leave work! Essentially, as soon as I’m done for the day, I leave my office and never want to look back at a computer. So, needless to say, the blog has seriously been lacking.

We’ve also just had a busy summer and things aren’t over yet. We are heading to the Vineyard again this year — this time for just one week. We are leaving on Saturday… but I WILL try to post (hopefully daily) while we’re gone. Can’t say the posts will be all food related… but I’m sure they will involve some whining!

So on to other things… you may be asking yourself what the hell happened to my recaps of Hell’s Kitchen? Well, I am still watching them and yes, Andy’s still in the game. I think, if you missed them, your best bet is to watch the episodes on fox.com and then check out Andy’s blog posts:

Andy’s recap of Week 4

Andy’s recap of Week 5

He’s done a great job of summing up the episodes — from an insider’s perspective — and answering questions he’s received on his Fearless Chef facebook page.

As for me, I need to get back to work. I have a ton to do before we leave in 2 days — and I haven’t even begun to pack yet!!!

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