October is Vegetarian Awareness Month

Colorful vegetables and fruitsBoston Vegetarian Food Festival, October 31 and November 1, 2009 Yesterday was World Vegetarian Day… but I screwed up and had Chicken Cacciatore for dinner. I totally forgot what day it was. That’s okay… the entire month is devoted to becoming more aware of vegetarianism and veganism. Thinking about converting? This is the perfect time to start!

This isn’t my first (and surely will not be my last) post about vegetarianism. In 2008 I posted 30 Reasons to Become a Vegetarianand it’s received many hits to date.

If you live in Boston, you can also hit up the Boston Vegetarian Food Festival October 31st & November 1st. For more information, visit the Boston Vegetarian Society.

Lastly, you can also get materials on becoming a vegetarian or vegan. Even if you are not willing to give up ALL meat (like me), you can still cut back significantly adn make an impact on your health and the environment.

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