Days 13 – 20: Mitzvah is much harder than it sounded!


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I’m still doing the challenge and I’m still trying my darnedest to get in my daily mitzvahs. It sure isn’t easy though! I haven’t been posting daily, as I haven’t always had an opportunity to do what I would consider a “worthy mitzvah”. Sure, I did little things every day… held doors, threw a dollar in the Salvation Army can, was extra nice to strangers, etc. It reached a point where I didn’t feel those were worth talking about though… and I’m hoping to incorporate these “mitzvah’s” into my daily life moving forward.

Over the last week or so, a few specific good deeds (and almost good deeds) stick out. Last weekend, I was driving home from Trader Joe’s and saw a sign for a blood drive. Feeling totally psyched that I had found a great deed… I pulled off the road and got on line to donate. Alas, I was on antibiotics for oral surgery I had — so I was turned down!

I cooked a Hannukah feast for some friends. My first one ever… and it came out pretty good!

I did some volunteering for my son’s school… manning a book fair and also making updates to the school’s website — which I created and continue to maintain on a voluntary basis.

The biggest one of all though, is I hosted a Mad Men themed holiday party this past Saturday night. I spent a ridiculous amount of time decorating, getting retro serving dishes, making tons of food and coming up with a great play list to make it an amazing night for all my guests… and it was a huge success! I will definitely post separately on what I served and how the theme panned out. Between being layed up with oral surgery recovery for two days and with the week of prep time spent on the party… I think I’ve done pretty good with my “mitzvah” so far. I have 10 days to go…and Christmas in there, so that’s an easy day of giving! Hopefully I can come up with nine other ideas!

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