Happy New Year! (Days 21 – 31)

Well, December and 2010 have both come to an end. That also means that my December Mitzvah Challenge is over as well. While my original plan to post every day re: the mitzvahs failed, I did succeed in doing countless “good deeds” that did not serve me in any way… and it felt good.

In the final days of the months, a few things that stick out as particularly fun and fulfilling:

  1. We collected 3 bags of toys during or annual holiday soiree… which I promptly brought to Toys for Tots.
  2. We participated in “Santa’s Gone Green Recycle Program” (yes, I just made that up). Upon a friends suggestion, we told our 5-yo that Santa went green this year and was collecting used toys to bring back to his toy shop to fix and redistribute. We were able to recycle a HUGE garbage back full of toys. They will be going to either Goodwill or the Salvation Army.
  3. I donated lots of dollars and spare change to various non-profits.
  4. Christmas morning is a no brainer — the 5-yo had a VERY special day.
  5. I cooked several dinners and lots of food for my friends and family.
  6. I did some volunteer work for my son’s school — including manning the annual book fair, making holiday ornaments with his class and updating the school’s website (which I created and maintain on a voluntary basis).
  7. I reluctantly babysat FIVE (yes, five) wild children on New Year’s Eve (rather than going out)
  8. And last, but certainly not least… was a kind deed I did for myself : NO NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS THIS YEAR!!!

So the take-away of this month of giving? It felt good… and it was easy (even though I commented that it was hard to find mitzvah opportunities, actually doing them was easy). And even though many of the things I did were monetary, I would feel just as good volunteering my time. In fact, the Husband and I have agreed that we will plan some regular volunteer opportunities for our family, so the 5-yo can learn what it feels like to help other people.

I hope all of you had just as rewarding a holiday season and continue to have a safe, healthy and happy new year!

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