Hello, my name is Tammy and I suck at blogging.

It’s been a rough year. That’s all I’ll say. I’ve made excuses before… and I won’t make them again. I’ve also made promises before… and I’m trying to avoid those as well. I really DO want to start blogging again! I was doing SO well those first few years! If you’re still swinging by to check things out… THANK YOU!!! I appreciate your loyalty.

I’ve added my Tweet feed on the right, so at least THAT will have some current content in it. I am also trying to recruit a few guest bloggers… I have two friends interested (hopefully they still are since I haven’t been in contact re: this for months!). If you or someone you know is interested on being a regular guest blogger… please let me know!!!

So, this is my attempt at getting back into the swing of things. I have some really great recipes I want to share (an entire Spring Feast, actually)… that I think are still relevant to the time of the year. I will try to get them up by the end of the week.

We’ve also signed up for a CSA this year! With Red Fire Farm out in Granby, MA. SOOO excited about this. A post will follow soon with some of the goodies and recipes inspired by them.

I leave you with the only photo that I have that might make you at least think I’m SORTA interesting and worth following still. I saw these chips in (of all places) the Christmas Tree Shop:


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